Attention: the NIAPC web site may not include all approved products.The list of approved products is always changing; there is a backlog of approved products still to be added to this information portal, and there are delays in responding to queries and inclusion of new products. NATO is reviewing options to improve collaboration and provide more timely information sharing of approved security products.
Bittium Secure Mobile Communication Platform

Bittium Secure Suite - Secure Mobile Communication Solution for NATO RESTRICTED Data

Bittium Secure Suite™ is a software product for device management and encryption that complements Bittium Tough Mobile 2 secure smartphones and other Android devices. It provides a comprehensive and scalable set of software and services for device management and communication encryption. Its features include:

Mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network): A VPN that secures network communication and cannot be bypassed by applications or users.

Mobile Device Management: Centralized remote management of security features for Tough Mobile 2 smartphones and Android devices.

Mobile Application Management: Allows approval of organization-specific applications.

Device Control: Over 100 parameters, including password settings, device wipe, and feature enable/disable.

Certificate Authority: Production CA system with automatic certificate renewal over the air.

Log Server and Visualization: Log analytics for effective incident response.

Embedded Security: Security is deeply integrated into hardware and source code to prevent data extraction.

Bittium Secure Suite is a solution for handling and transmitting encrypted and classified material. It is designed not to rely on third-party trust or cloud services. It provides layered security all the way from data protected on the device to secure data transmission and remote device management.

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Icon Brochure
Type: Manufacturer's Brochure
1.35 MB
Icon Datasheet
Type: Product Sheet
748.17 KB
Icon Datasheet
Type: Product Sheet
1.57 MB
Icon Datasheet Tough Mobile 2C
Type: Product Sheet
883.07 KB

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25-Jun-2024 11:40 AM
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