Bittium Secure Suite - Secure Mobile Communication Solution for NATO RESTRICTED Data
Bittium Secure Suite™ is a software product for device management and encryption that complements Bittium Tough Mobile 2 secure smartphones and other Android devices. It provides a comprehensive and scalable set of software and services for device management and communication encryption. Its features include:
Mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network): A VPN that secures network communication and cannot be bypassed by applications or users.
Mobile Device Management: Centralized remote management of security features for Tough Mobile 2 smartphones and Android devices.
Mobile Application Management: Allows approval of organization-specific applications.
Device Control: Over 100 parameters, including password settings, device wipe, and feature enable/disable.
Certificate Authority: Production CA system with automatic certificate renewal over the air.
Log Server and Visualization: Log analytics for effective incident response.
Embedded Security: Security is deeply integrated into hardware and source code to prevent data extraction.
Bittium Secure Suite is a solution for handling and transmitting encrypted and classified material. It is designed not to rely on third-party trust or cloud services. It provides layered security all the way from data protected on the device to secure data transmission and remote device management.