Attention: the NIAPC web site may not include all approved products.The list of approved products is always changing; there is a backlog of approved products still to be added to this information portal, and there are delays in responding to queries and inclusion of new products. NATO is reviewing options to improve collaboration and provide more timely information sharing of approved security products.
diskAshur PRO² Encrypted Portable HDD

The iStorage diskAshur PRO² is a PIN authenticated hardware encrypted portable data storage device. The mechanical parts of the products can be classified as enclosure, PCBA and bare drive. The PCBA is critical to the product security level. All security-related functions, such as keys generation, keys management/protection, and bulk data encryption/decryption are operated by the security ICs on PCBA. The enclosure offers some security to the products by the means of mechanical tamper-evident design. The bare drive does not affect the product security. For diskAshur PRO² the bare drive can be 2.5” HDD.

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Last Update Time:
28-May-2018 05:09 PM
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