Attention: the NIAPC web site may not include all approved products.The list of approved products is always changing; there is a backlog of approved products still to be added to this information portal, and there are delays in responding to queries and inclusion of new products. NATO is reviewing options to improve collaboration and provide more timely information sharing of approved security products.

certSAFE is a Certification Authority software providing the elements required to create a full public key infrastructure, together with the related security services.

Main features:
- Digital certificates lifecycle management
- Flexible policy for digital certificate management
- Modular architecture
- Ideal solution for deployment in extremely secured environments
- Cross-certification functions to create trust relationships with other PKIs
- Key recovery module
- Time stamp server
- On-line Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder

certSAFE components:
- certSAFE RA/LRA – user enrolment and digital certificate requests
- certSAFE CA – digital certificates management
- certSAFE OCSP – on-line certificate status verification and validation
- certSAFE KRM – key recovery module for encryption keys
- certSAFE TS – time stamp authority

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Last Update Time:
25-Aug-2020 03:59 PM
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