Attention: the NIAPC web site may not include all approved products.The list of approved products is always changing; there is a backlog of approved products still to be added to this information portal, and there are delays in responding to queries and inclusion of new products. NATO is reviewing options to improve collaboration and provide more timely information sharing of approved security products.
Nexor Sentinel 3E Mailguard

Nexor Sentinel is a high assurance email guard, evaluated to Common Criteria EAL4+. It has been designed to protect organisations by validating that in-bound and out-bound electronic messages conform to the security policy of the protected domain.

All messages are scanned and validated against the defined security policies and non-conformant messages are rejected and quarantined; preventing the potential damage caused by outbound information loss or inbound malicious content.

Nexor Sentinel has policy enforcing filters for:

  • message transport – such as message envelope checks, access control lists, return of content in reports;
  • message content – including allowed attachment types, dirty word searching;
  • message security – message signature, message encryption, signed receipts.

Nexor Sentinel Supports both SMTP and X.400 email messages and its full message logging provides traceability of communication exchanges to ensure the integrity of the system.

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Last Update Time:
25-Aug-2017 12:25 PM
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